3 Women Killed Gunman Dead In Hawaii After Dispute Between Neighbors Leads To Gunfire

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3 Women Killed, Gunman Dead in Hawaii After Dispute Between Neighbors Leads to Gunfire

Tragedy Unfolds in Honolulu

A horrific incident in Honolulu's Moanalua neighborhood on January 4th, 2023, resulted in the deaths of three women and the suspected gunman.

Escalating Dispute

According to the Honolulu Police Department, the tragedy stemmed from an ongoing dispute between neighbors. Officers responded to reports of gunshots at around 4:30 pm and discovered three female victims deceased at the scene.

A male suspect was also found dead at the scene with an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Identifying the Victims

The victims have been identified as:

The suspect has been identified as 69-year-old John Peros.

Investigation Ongoing

The Honolulu Police Department has launched a full investigation into the incident to determine the exact circumstances surrounding the shooting.

Authorities are urging anyone with information to come forward and assist in the investigation.

Community in Mourning

Vigils and remembrances have been held in the community to honor the victims:

The community is deeply saddened by this tragedy and offers condolences to the families of the victims.

Preventing Future Tragedies

This incident highlights the importance of addressing neighbor disputes peacefully and seeking support if tensions escalate.

Resources are available for individuals in need of assistance, including mediation services and mental health counseling.

Additional Information

For more information on this incident, please refer to the following reputable sources: